TAKE BOX 関連ツイート
Once, a girl found a big box.
The Bird of Happiness was inside.
The bird would take her to Forever Land, or so she hoped.@ror_picbookbot 2020/01/19 17:30
@1018__take Urlコピー→ Twi-dougaにUrlをペースト→抜き出し選択→urlコピー→clip boxでダウンロード🧚🏻
@SHION2539 2020/01/21 07:04
うめー!! https://t.co/bZMnatAMAe@take_box 2020/01/18 17:45
@souketsu321 いや、近くで用事があったからその時に通った 笑
@take_box 2020/01/19 14:01
Once, a girl found a big box.
The Bird of Happiness was inside.
The bird would take her to Forever Land, or so she hoped.@ror_picbookbot 2020/01/20 14:00